This year’s Rotary Club of Warragul change-over was a champagne afternoon tea held at Wesley of Warragul. With over fifty people in attendance guests included District Governor Adrian Froggatt and District Governor Elect Mark Humphries and their partners, Ruth mele carlot from the Port Villa (Vanuatu) Rotary Club and 2016 club exchange Dutch student Vivian Eschuis.
Anne Pascoe receives her Paul Harris Fellow award
The awarding of Paul Harris Fellow is one way that Rotary recognises outstanding community service by an individual or group. Community member Anne Pascoe was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of her long and outstanding service to the Warragul district with particular reference to her role in establishing and then running the Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief Centre for the last 12 years.
Ian Holdsworth receives his Paul Harris Fellow award
Warragul Rotary club member Ian Holdsworth was also presented with a Paul Harris Fellow sapphire pin for his continued community work with the club.
Outgoing president Ross Dawson presents Certificate of Appreciation to Vocational Services Director Andrea Klindworth
Outgoing president Ross Dawson in closing his year presented the annual report and also presented Certificates of Appreciation to board members and his “go-to-people” who helped him behind the scenes during the year.
Outgoing president Ross Dawson give incoming president Rosemary the chain of office
District Governor David Froggatt congratulates incoming president Rosemary Allica
Incoming club president Rosemary Allica was inducted by District Governor Adrian Froggatt and then received the club chain of office from Ross Dawson. Newly installed president Rosemary Allica presented the board for 2019/20. In outlining her plans for her upcoming year Rosemary firstly reflected on all the amazing support provided by the club for the Warragul community over the last eighty years. With the in mind Rosemary said her one goal for the year was to ENHANCE the club’s continuing connection and giving to the community. Her priorities for the year are firstly to increase club membership and/or mobilise community support for club projects and, secondly allow club committees to more effectively use their time for club project work.
Club board for 2019/20
Congratulations Rosemary and wishing you a great year as president of the Rotary Club of Warragul.