Warragul Regional College year 12 captain Kelsey Lubberink reported back to Warragul Rotary on her recent experience attending the National Youth Science Forum. From the left Warragul Rotary President Ross Dawson, Kelsey Lubberink, Lesley Lubberink and Rotary Youth Director Chris Morris.
After attending Rotary’s National Youth Science Forum earlier this year, Warragul Regional College year 12 student Kelsey Lubberink says a career in science is definitely on the cards. In January Kelsey spent 10 days in Brisbane with 200 year 12 students from across Australia looking at the opportunities for a career in science.
The forum allowed participants to visit a number of scientific laboratories, watch the operation of very expensive testing equipment and talk to scientists in biology, health and medical research. A highlight for Kelsey was to visit a laboratory and see preserved organs and human body parts from real people including the lungs from a long-time smoker.
The National Youth Science Forum is sponsored by organisations and businesses with an interest in science and all participants had a “speed dating” session with the opportunity to meet with sponsors to discuss career opportunities in their organisation.
All participants got a good idea of student life staying in student accommodation on the university campus. The forum culminated with a science dinner at the Brisbane City Hall with a guest speaker from the Griffith University.
Applications for the 2020 National Youth Science Forum are now being taken from current year 11 students and close on 31 May. More details can be found on NYSF website or by contacting Warragul Rotarian Chris Morris on 0418 537 995.