At the recent Rotary Club of Warragul change over dinner newly installed president Tony Carson saw his priority projects for the upcoming year as continuing the development of the indigenous garden at Rotary Park, supporting the national Rotary End Trachoma project and consolidating the club’s work with local communities in Vanuatu.

President Tony outlines his goals for the 2024-2025 year
Outgoing president Chris Denen thanked his board and especially his executive group that included secretary Di Carson and treasurer Andrew Lewis for the support they gave him in guiding the club through a successful year. For Chris the highlights of the year were the funding for ongoing student scholarships for Warragul Regional College and Marist Sion College, the club’s Christmas function at the RSL, the continuing success of the Easter art sale run in partnership with the Baw Baw Arts Alliance and the success of the art show raffle in raising $7,000 which was donated to the Baw Baw Food Relief Centre. Chris Drenen concluded by thanking all club members for their continued contributions throughout the year.

Outgoing president Chris Drenen
At the change over dinner the club awarded a Paul Harris Fellow to community members Ross Dawson (for his establishment in 2009 of four local men’s coffee groups) and Kerrie Warren (for her ongoing community support for the arts in our local community). A Paul Harris Fellow was also awarded to Rotarians Lyn Bennett (for club communications) and Roger Colls (for support of the successful art show raffle).

District Govenor Linda Humphries and outgoing President Chris Drenen present Kerrie Warraen with her Paul Harris Fellow award

District Govenor Linda Humphries and outgoing President Chris Drenen present Ross Dawson with his Paul Harris Fellow award

District Governor Linda Humphries and Outgoing President Chris Drenen present Lyn Bennett with a Sapphire Pin

District Govenor Linda Humphries and outgoing President Chris Drenen present Roger Colls with his Paul Harris Fellow award
Board members installed for the coming year were president Tony Carson, Chris Drenen (immediate past president), Lyn Bennett (president elect), Di Carson (secretary), Andrew Lewis (treasurer), Nick Rainbow (environment), Chris Major (community services), Sunil Bhatt (international), Alan Tatlow (vocational), Geoff Chilver (youth), Greg King (Rotary Foundation) and Fleur Craig (club protection and governance).

The Warragul Rotary board installed for 2024-25 from the left: Geoff Chilver, Chris Drenen, Chris Major, Alan Tatlow, Tony Carson (president), Sunil Bhatt, Nick Rainbow, Lyn Bennett, Fleur Craig, Di Carson, Greg King and Andrew Lewis.